The Analysis Of Batak Toba Tribal Wedding Traditions In The Overseas Lands Of Ngabang Sub-District Landak Regency


  • Frans Michael Sidabutar Universitas Tanjungpura
  • Andang Firmansyah
  • Ika Rahmatika Chalimi
  • Sulistyarini
  • Astrini Eka Putri



Tradition, Wedding, Batak


The purpose of writing this article is an effort to made introducing the culture of the Batak people in overseas lands, especially in Ngabang District. The method used to writing this article is a qualitative method by the form of ethnographic research. The data collection techniques used are by observation and interviews. The Data collection tools used are by observation and interview instruments. The analysis technique used is a triangulation technique that focusing on sources and techniques. The research results 1). Batak tribal marriages in Ngabang District are still maintained with the philosophy of Dalihan Na Tolu, 2). Differences in Batak marriages in overseas and their homeland are caused by the different of views or adaptability to the environment in overseas land and time efficiency, 3). The efforts to preserve culture by the Batak tribe in overseas are the introduction of culture to their children and providing advice and input to new generations about their traditions. The wedding procession for the Batak tribe in Ngabang District includes: Marhusip, Marhata Sinamot, Marria Raja, Martuppol, Blessing, Traditional Festival and Mangihut Diampang


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